Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Christian Bale - Class Act

Christian Bale visited the hospital in Colorado where many of the theater shooting victims are still recovering. This wasn't politics, this wasn't Public Relations, this wasn't sponsored by Warner Brothers....this was one man who could give back and try to help in the healing.

Well done Sir.

~Corey Hinman

Monday, July 23, 2012

Using Dispatch to send email by card variable

I want to set users for specific tasks and then have enterprise send emails to those people without doing it through workflows (which I've done in the past). In this example it's a button on the data card, but I plan to send the emails once the files pass through a transition.

I'm not a programmer, I don't know how to use the API, but this is what I came up with. I'm looking for feedback and maybe some ways to improve upon this.

  • First, the data card needs to have the variables for said tasks, I used the user login name for the list, which matches our windows user names, and also outlook.

  • Second, create 2 files in the vault
    • File #1: email_template.txt
      • This file will be used by dispatch to output a command line prompt that includes variable values.
      • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\OFFICE14\OUTLOOK.EXE" /c ipm.note /m "%ECO Val owner DFMEA%;%ECO Val owner Cust App%;%ECO Val owner DVPR%;%ECO Val owner CWO%;%ECO Val owner Risk%;%ECO Val owner Gage%;%ECO Val owner Times%?do=newpm&u=&subject=You have open Tasks in ECRxxxx"
      • This looks like a lot but it breaks down like this.....
        • enter the path to your outlook
          • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\OFFICE14\OUTLOOK.EXE"
        • Add the following arguments:
          • /c ipm.note /m
        • Add the variables (usernames) separated by ; <this becomes TO data>
          • "%ECO Val owner DFMEA%;%ECO Val owner Cust App%;%ECO Val owner DVPR%;%ECO Val owner CWO%;%ECO Val owner Risk%;%ECO Val owner Gage%;%ECO Val owner Times%
        • End with the following:
          • ?do=newpm&u=&subject=You have open Tasks in ECRxxxx"

    • File #2: tasks_email.bat
      • This is the parameter file that Dispatch will Create.
  • Dispatch Setup

~Corey Hinman

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Earned my CSWP!

With a little refresher from Solidprofessor, and by scouring the internet for practice exams, I took and passed all 3 CSWP segments on the first go round.

Segment 1: Modeling

This was about the same level as the CSWA, just with more modeling exercises. I was starting to get crunched for time so I did the last part in a way that worked, but wasn't the best way to get it done. If I had more time I probably would have done a few things different, but 100% on Segment 1.

Segment 2: Configurations

The configuration portion was a breeze, the modifying an existing part was more challenging. I missed the last part as I ran out of time. It didn't help I was interrupted during the test :)

Segment 3: Assemblys

This was a little challenging, lots to do, you need to be quick and pay attention to the coordinate systems. I wasn't asked to do any in-context stuff, which probably helped me. I missed the last question, apparently I did something wrong when I swapped out the base part.

Overall, I feel thoroughly tested, and satisified that I could add this to my resume!

~Corey Hinman, CEPA, CSWP

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I got my Solidworks certification, now what?

Like many of you I have a few certifications from Solidworks Corp, but when I logged in to my account and looked in the directory of certified users, I did not see my name. There is a little account setting you need to enable for your name to appear in the listing (if that matters to you).

In the lower right corner click "Settings"

The check "YES" for "List in Online Directory"

And now you'll see your name in lights :)

~Corey Hinman, CEPA