Monday, April 30, 2012

Adding Workflow Images to Data Cards

I started to add this visual feature today, which just takes minimal setup

In my case I am adding this to a CAD Work Order, in which a word document serves as the traveler.

A few pre-requisites:

  • A variable that shows the current state of your document. (hopefully it already exists)
  • Images showing your states. 
I color coded my images in Visio. I made a tab for each state and saved the Visio file into the vault. You have to do a "save as" bmp of each of the images and save those somewhere for reference later.

On your data card, add a tab control, and make a tab for each State that you want to display an image for. Insert the image that goes with each tab of your new control, and set the tab control to "Controlled by variable" and select the prerequisite variable mentioned above.

In your workflow, you'll need to make sure that the variable is updated upon workflow transitions.

Decide where you want the tabbed images to show on your data card, and you should be good to go!

~Corey Hinman, CEPA

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Doomsday Preppers

I was marginally intrigued by this show when it first started airing, much like "hoarders" it's like a train wreck that's hard to look away from.

The last few episodes though are seemingly scraping the bottom of an already shallow barrel, it's too bad they don't go into detail about "how-to" prep, or things you should be doing to prepare.

I've found much better material on various blogs.

Maybe it's time to start watching Game of Thrones.....

~Corey Hinman, CEPA

Monday, April 16, 2012

Random Mail Failures

If you ever experience PDM Enterprise Mail notifications failing, like I did today.....and you haven't changed any Messaging System settings all you need to do is:

Reboot, and try again!!!

I rebooted the SQL server and all queued up emails suddenly came out of hiding. Whilst I was troubleshooting I did the "test settings" within the admin tool and it would continually tell me the server was not found.

~Corey Hinman, CEPA

Thursday, April 12, 2012

PDM Related Blogs I Read Daily

The best way to learn, and continue to learn about something is to get some exposure to it on a consistent basis....every morning before work starts I quickly read through several PDM related blogs, here's my current list:
just seeing if you're paying attention!!!

~Corey Hinman, CEPA

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Now comes CADLink.....

I will be working with QBuild corporation to get CADLink running to transfer our data from PDM to Epicor 9.

Step 1: Create data card with all needed part configuration variables needed.

More to follow soon!!!

~Corey Hinman, CEPA